For the end of the year, we have decided to focus on our favorite tips and strategies for becoming a Healthy CEO.  I am sure that you have heard of the concept of “NO-vember”: the month when you start saying NO to things that drain your energy and YES to those empowering, energy fueling activities – and perhaps by focusing more on yourself for a change.  As I always say, you cannot pour from an empty cup.  By saying “No,” you can free up space to focus on the activities that nourish you and your well-being. 

Here are some strategies you can implement during NO-vember to refocus your energy to empowering you to head through the rest of the year:

1. Practice Saying “No”: Learn to decline activities or commitments that do not align with your priorities or contribute to your well-being. Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance in your life.  At this time of year, we know how many invitations we will be receiving for holiday events, dinners, and parties.  It is okay to say NO so that you can use that time for yourself.

2. Mindful Meditation/Gratitude/Journaling: After saying “no” and freeing up more blank space, these three tools will improve your overall well-being.  Mediation can help you stay present in the moments during the day and reduce stress when you need a break from a task or project.  Another way to reduce stress is to engage in a gratitude practice.  I heard a great quote once that, you cannot be grateful and anxious at the same time.  Cultivate gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life, from big things like your health and the roof over your head, to the small things like a hot cup of coffee or a brand new book.  Finally, pick up a pen and journal or open the Notes app on your phone, and let the thoughts flow!  Journaling helps to bring clarity to those thoughts taking up mental real estate, process emotions, and track your personal growth.

3.  Quality Sleep, Nutrition, and Exercise:  The “Big Three” when it comes to your physical well-being, you must prioritize the quality of each of these tools.  Prioritize getting enough restful sleep. Create a calming bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and ensure your sleep environment is comfortable.  Nourishing your body with healthy foods and less caffeine or stimulating drinks and foods (i.e. SUGAR), can help how you feel overall.  You could quickly see that small tweaks can lead to big energy surges. Finally, engage in physical activities that you enjoy. You don’t have to suffer through a run outside in the cold if you prefer to play a game of pickup basketball or try a new dance workout.  Exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also contributes to improved mood and reduced stress.

4. Try a Digital Detox and a Reconnect with Nature: Consider taking a break from excessive screen time, especially on social media. Unplugging from technology can help you recharge and improve your focus, and it especially can help calm the comparison game, which depletes your energy.  On the flip side, spend more time in nature, whether it’s a walk in the park or a hike in the woods. Throw on a jacket and hit the streets for a walk.  Is your post office close by?  Opt to walk to drop off your packages and cards instead of driving.  Breathe in that fresh air.

5.  Spend time on your Hobbies and with your Loved Ones:  Dedicate time to activities you are passionate about. Whether it’s a hobby, artistic pursuit, or a personal project, doing things you love can be rejuvenating.  While you are at it, spend quality time with friends and family. Social connections are essential for emotional well-being, so make an effort to nurture your relationships.  My favorite combination of these two?  Breaking out a puzzle for my family to work on together.  I LOVE the challenge of a puzzle, and doing it with a helping hand from a loved one is unmatched.

6.  Set Realistic Goals, Prioritize, and Delegate!:  There is always so much to do at this time of year.  So, first start by writing down all of your tasks and goals.  Next, break down large goals into smaller, more achievable tasks. This can make your objectives more manageable and reduce feelings of overwhelm. Identify your top priorities and focus on them. It’s okay to let go of less important tasks or activities that do not contribute significantly to your goals. If you have too much on your plate, learn to delegate tasks. It’s okay to ask for help and share responsibilities with others.

Remember, self-care is a personal journey, and it’s essential to tailor these strategies to fit your unique needs and circumstances. NO-vember is about making intentional choices that support your well-being and bring balance to your life.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls and communications. Contacting us, however, does not create an attorney-client relationship.

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